Quantity vs Quality
Have you ever felt like there is never enough time to do everything? That you need to give 100% in every single area of your life all the time – whether this is a pressure you put on yourself or it’s an external expectation?
Have you ever felt like there is never enough time to do everything? That you need to give 100% in every single area of your life all the time – whether this is a pressure you put on yourself or it’s an external expectation?
We experience congruency when what we think, feel, say and do is in harmony with our goal, with what we want to achieve. Even if that is a very small thing.
We all recognize the little but strong voice within that stops us from aiming for the stars, or is constantly reminding us how many times we’ve failed or didn’t go through till the end with something we really wanted to do.
The world we live in today dictates such a speedy pace that is almost inhuman, and even at the thought of the endless expectations, we get just a little more stressed without wanting to. There is always so much to do, and so little time. But who is setting this pace? Who is setting all the expectations?
What does grief mean for each and every one of us? How does it affect us? How do we process it? How do we choose to go through this transition?